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RINGANA is the most attractive business in the market. Every day we’re ensuring that it stays that way in the distant future too. That’s why – as already announced at the RINGANA Convention – we are now informing you about changes to the RINGANA GC Rules, the General Terms and Conditions for RINGANA Partners and other modifications as foreseen in our GT&Cs.

Short and sweet – the GC Rules 2.0: the most liberal business in the market. We have completely revised and slimmed down the GC Rules, to create the GC Rules 2.0 – so that digital transformation can be exploited for further growth, and to create up-to-date framework conditions for the RINGANA business. Our motto here: fewer rules, simple and clear.

RINGANA only: maximal freedom for RINGANA Partners. RINGANA is a strong brand and the most attractive business in the market. We can trust in the strength and stability of this brand, which is why RINGANA is also the most liberal business in the market, guaranteeing all RINGANA Partners maximum freedom. This principle is made a reality with RINGANA only and the GC Rules 2.0. From Target Level (TL) 0–7 RINGANA Partners are free to engage without restrictions in other activities – including direct sales, network marketing, recommendation marketing and affiliate marketing – alongside their RINGANA business. Customer data, customer bases and all communication channels must be kept separate at all times. From TL 8: as a Leader, RINGANA Partners act as a role model for their team, and work in line with the concept towards a successful business. From Target Level 8, RINGANA Partners are narrowly focused on the RINGANA business – “RINGANA only” is now the motto. This means that engaging in similar network marketing business – if listed in “Network Marketing allowed” – remains possible as long as the business spheres are kept strictly separate. Network marketing, team-building and operation team leadership for non-listed direct sales and/or network marketing business are not permitted for Partners at TL 8 and above. If this condition is not met, commission will be calculated on the basis of TL 7. Leaders may still recommend and sell products on the basis of direct sales, affiliate marketing, consultancy and other businesses, provided that the business spheres are kept strictly separate. To be assigned to one of the above-mentioned categories, the highest TL reached in the previous 12 months applies. For example: if a RINGANA Partner reached TL 8 in December 2022, they will have been classified as a Leader in the following year, 2023. If that Partner fails to reach TL 8 or higher in 2023, in December 2023 they will be removed from that category, and will only be reclassified as a Leader when they once again reach TL 8 or higher. The RINGANA GC Rules 2.0, the General Terms and Conditions for RINGANA Partners 2.0 and the attached documents/ files will be binding w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

Adjustment of the Target Plan

We take this opportunity to also inform you about an adjustment to the RINGANA Target Plan. The version of the RINGANA Target Plan for New Partners of 01.07.2022 inclusive of the (valid and already effected) update of 01.03.2023 will be valid for all Partners from the statement month of January 2025 and will be applied universally.

RINGANA Partners have the right to object to these modifications within one month of this News article, by sending an e-mail to If they do not, these modifications will become an integral part of their contract. In making these modifications which are standard within the industry, RINGANA is aiming to ensure the medium and long-term stability of direct sales, thus securing and further strengthening the livelihoods of many thousands of RINGANA Partners. RINGANA’s cornerstone – direct sales through our Partners – can thus continue to make promising growth.

Here you will find, in the course of the day, the GC Rules 2.0, the General Terms and Conditions for RINGANA Partners 2.0 and the business papers with the target plan in the current version.

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